2009-08-03 | 作者:

CSR頭版新聞:台商工廠傾倒廢棄物 危害賴索托兒童

1.據英國「星期泰晤士報」報導,賴索托一家為Gap和Levi Strauss生產牛仔褲的台商工廠,涉嫌非法傾倒化學廢棄物,對當地兒童構成重大危害。(Yahoo新聞Link)

2.Coca-Cola Enterprises, the world’s largest marketer, distributor, and producer of Coca-Cola products, has published its fourth company-wide Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report.(ReportAlert.info Link)

3.A member of the All-China Environmental Federation - which is backed by the central government - sid a judge in Guizhou province had accepted its claim on behalf of residents who complain they have suffered from pollution. (worldchanging.com Link)

4.UN Climate Change Convention Executive Secretary sid governments have made clearer what they want in the outcome in Copenhagen. Many delegations, including China, the U.S., the G-77 and the European Union, all acknowledged that the process of the negotiations had moved forward. (UN Link)

5.社會責任投資強調永續經營的投資概念,在「財務目標」和「企業所造成的社會及環境影響」之間,取得平衡。(新新聞 Link)

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