2010-03-22 | 作者:

Cap and Trade? Cap and Giveaway

The following video can be considered an exposé on the recent proposal for Cap and Trade as a solution to reduce and control climate change. Government leaders and heads of big business corporations are pushing for this plan as a "win-win" situation where we can supposedly save the world while making money at the same time.

Annie Leonard and the producers of this video pull open the curtains covering the hidden traps in this plan, or the "devils in the details." According to Leonard, the plan not only allows for free permits (industrial polluters can get permits--to pollute--free) and offsetting (when companies reduce their carbon output, they get permits which can be sold to a polluter who wants to pollute more), but more importantly, this Cap and Giveaway solution is a distraction from finding real solutions.

Please, world leaders, wake up! There may not be a win-win solution to make money and simultaneously save the world, but let's get our priorities straight.

The Story of Cap & Trade from Story of Stuff Project on Vimeo.

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