2008-09-02 | 作者:

CSR 頭版新聞 9/2/08

碳議題發燒之外,下一個十年卻是水資源短缺的時代! 企業已經開始追蹤水足跡(water footprint) (ZDNET新聞  8/19/08)

PGA, U.S. Open Aim for Eco-Friendly
Sport competitions are going greener and greener (GreenBiz 8/29/08)

Sony Bank Becomes Japan's First Carbon-Neutral Bank
As carbon neutrality is becoming heater per day, banks are not only starting to view it as an investment opportunity, but also getting into it themselves to help with the environment (TreeHugger 8/29/08)

節能減碳不再只是一種社會責任,更是職場上的致勝關鍵。因全球暖化而產生的綠色商機中,為工作者創造了新的職銜、新的專業,還有更多新的機會,「綠色技能」成為未來必須具備的基本能力。在綠色經濟的浪潮洶湧來襲前,最早成為綠領的工作者,與成功的距離最近 (數位時代 9/1/08)

CSR Solution of the Week: NESCAFÉ Partners Blend
CSR Europe票選雀巢咖啡為本週最佳實踐CSR的企業案例!雀巢咖啡與NPO協力,成功協助3500咖啡農脫離貧困,並減少96%水資源使用 (CSR Europe 9/1/08)

- CSRone Team

GRI Software And Tools Partner