2008-09-30 | 作者:

CSR 頭版新聞 9/30/08

他山之石》自由之丘文化觸媒 涵養社區新生命
社區再造、振興商圈,是社會再造和城市活化的重要課題,台灣現在約有4,600多個社區組織,嘗試以社區特色和資源,結合企業化的經營手法推動社區發展、活絡商機。其實社區的發展與企業經營相似,都須以文化為核心,也需要透過文化認同凝聚一個具有使命感的經營團隊,才能以社區最大利益為前提,展開創意行銷,達到活化商機的目的。(聯合理財網 9/21/08)

From Cradle to Grave: IBM Consulting Offering Helps Clients Make Products "Greener" - Cars, Electronics, Consumer Products, Etc.
The Green Giant has again offered another new green consulting service, helping clients make their products greener from the cradle to the grave. (CSRWire 9/24/08)

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation和沃倫•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)之子的慈善機構Howard G. Buffett Foundation將在今年9月份與聯合國世界糧食計劃署(United Nations World Food Program)共同啟動一項計畫﹐利用為人道主義救援購買的糧食﹐提高非洲和拉丁美洲農民的糧食產量和個人收入。計畫名為“Purchase for Progress”(購糧發展計劃)﹐嘗試為糧荒問題找到一個解決方案。根據該計劃﹐兩個基金會將聯合其他慈善組織一起撥款﹐研究出一種更好的方式﹐幫助當地農民將自己的農產品供應給世界糧食計劃署。 (WSJ.com 9/25/08)

'Laissez-faire' capitalism is finished, says France
Both France and Germany on Thursday (25 September) sid the current financial crisis would leave important marks on the world economy, with French president Nicolas Sarkozy declaring that the under-regulated system we once knew is now "finished," and German finance minister Peer Steinbruck saying the crisis marks the beginning of a multi-polar world, where the US is no longer a superpower. (euObserver.com 9/26/08)

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