2010-05-14 | 作者:


1. 中國國家發改委和財政部有關課題組規劃在2012年前後開始徵收碳稅,而碳稅指的是根據產品加工過程所排之碳排放量而徵收的一種環境稅。初期每噸二氧化碳徵收人民幣20元(約台幣93元),到2020年時調高到每噸人民幣50元(約台幣233元)。 (聯合新聞網)

2.It is not easy to balance carbon emission and economy recovery. The US Congressional Budget Office (CBO)  presented an analysis which pointed out the policies to reduce green house gases would have effects on employment during the next few decades. In other words, employment would be slightly lower and most workers would need to  find new jobs . (SUSTAINABLE Business.com)

3.在官方尚未公布台塑仁武廠檢驗數據報告前, 環保團體地球公民協會率先提出自行抽樣檢驗結果,發現仁武廠周遭民井被驗出微量1,2二氯乙烷,質疑仁武廠污染已擴散廠外住宅區與農田。(自由時報)

4.More than 500 EU Mayors signed a declaration to cut CO2 emissions by more than 20% by 2020.(Worldchanging)

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