2009-07-03 | 作者:

CSR頭版新聞 7/3/09


台灣社會研究季刊社、世新大學台灣社會研究國際中心於21日舉辦「都市更新下的社會與空間正義」討論會,邀了請國內相關領域學者,以及英國Essex大學拉丁美洲研究中心學者Jane Hindley,藉由英國倫敦東部當地的都市計畫與社區民眾參與的實例,比較探討台灣近年來的都市更新情形。
對此,Jane Hindley分享到,新自由主義與土地私有化的趨勢,促使英國的社區民眾以及當地的工黨地方政府,連同NGO組織「The Environment Trust」一同集結,發起保護位於英國倫敦東部公園的運動,規劃社區之公共空間。
而規劃後的公園,不僅維持了生態平衡,也進一步替當地以勞工階級居多的居民,創造出新的公共空間。 而與會學者表示,台灣於98年的都市更新政策,包括劃定區、私人企業獎勵以及公有地率先更新等,卻都是為了房地產的經濟發展而制定,根本不管居民的生計。苦勞網特約記者兼三鶯部落自救會顧問江一豪表示:「台灣的都市更新,受害者從來沒被具體看見過。」
孫瑞穗說,都市規畫不應被純粹的資本收編,應該由當地民眾參與。唯有與市民做連結,才能制定出真正符合都市人性需求的都市規劃。(苦勞網 6/25/09)

Banking Futures: making money sustainable
Banks are increasingly viewed as a bane to a healthy economy. But done right, banks can play a key role in the shift to sustainability. Today, Sea Change presents three perspectives on futures for banking. Peter Blom, CEO of Triodos Bank in the Netherlands, proposes a shift in the mission of banks, from maximizing profit to maximizing sustainability. Doug Rushkoff, author of LIFE INC, discusses how a surplus of debt that banks needed to sell triggered the financial meltdown. And Lyle Estill describes the role a chapter in his book SMALL IS POSSIBLE played in a local currency in North Carolina, The Plenty, being carried by a local bank.(CSR-NEWS.NET 6/18/09)

戴爾標錯價只給折價券 網友罵

上周四戴爾台灣網站標價錯誤,所有商品標價皆便宜了七千元,造成數小時內湧入超過十萬筆訂單,甚至有單筆下單兩千台液晶螢幕;隔天戴爾公開說明是電腦系統出錯,願意給予下單者「合理的折扣」 台北市一名政府消保官表示,因網頁廣告標價錯誤而導致的消費糾紛,是業者必須承擔的錯誤,而站在保障消費者的立場,建議戴爾能夠履行約定,或是以協調方式解決,否則,對戴爾商譽將是一大打擊。 其實早在2006年,戴爾就曾在中國網頁上發生過類似事件。這表示,戴爾已非第一次出包;然而在有前車之鑑下,竟又重蹈覆轍,令消費者大呼不可思議。(聯合新聞網 7/3/09)

HP, Lenovo and Dell penalised for breaking their green IT promises
Greenpeace giving HP, Lenovo and Dell--the world's biggest PC makers--a penalty point in their updated Guide to Greener Electronics, for backtracking on their commitments to eliminate PVC plastic and brominated flame retardants (BFRs) from their products by the end of 2009.
For Example,Apple's new computer lines, virtually free of PVC and completely BFR-free, demonstrate the technical feasibility and supply-chain readiness of producing alternatives to these hazardous substances. Dell, Lenovo and Acer have also stayed ahead of HP, putting models on the market that are free, or at least significantly reduced in their use, of PVC and BFRs. Dell recently engaged in a public spat with Apple over Apple's claims to have the greenest family of notebooks.
It's ridiculous that some companies, such as Dell, are busy challenging Apple's advertising claims when Apple is clearly leading its competitors on toxics phase out. All PC companies should be concentrating on matching or beating Apple’s lead on this important issue. (greenpeace 7/1/09)

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