2010-05-27 | 作者:

CSR頭條新聞:富士康連跳事件 郭董的危機處理

1. 富士康今年以來陸續發生員工跳樓自殺事件, 為此郭董於兩日內兩度坐鎮深圳。(YAHOO)

2. Sustainable energy campaigners, leading scientists and Beyond Zero Emission, have different ideas about the situation and development of renewable energy in Australia.(YAHOO7NEWS)

3. Greenpeace claims that it is good to see that Nokia and Sony Ericsson make some of the world's most environmentally sound electronics. On the contrary,Nintendo and Toshiba are among the least eco-friendly companies.Japanese companies usually perform better on energy and worst on e-waste and chemical criteria.(YAHOO7NEWS)

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