2010-09-02 | 作者:

CSR頭條新聞:光電業放流水標準 鎵、銦、鉬列入管列

1.  環保署將增訂放流水光電業業別的排放標準,新增管制項目包括鎵、銦、鉬、總毒性有機物及生物急毒性,目前未有其他國家列入管列,預定9月提出草案。(環保署)

2. 金管會研議將碳視為有價金融商品一環,規劃碳交易制度。(中時電子報)

3. Forced labor is a critical  issue for sinvestors,and the Global Unions Committee on Workers' Capital calls for increased attention to it and tries to advocate a multi-stakeholder approach to mitigation.(SocialFunds)

4. Nestlé will invest CHF 500 million in a wide-ranging plan to address responsible farming, sourcing and consumption across its coffee supply chain.(Nestlé )

5. Greenpeace asks Nestlé to stop using palm oil from companies that are trashing Indonesian rainforests, threatening the livelihoods of local people and pushing orang-utans towards extinction.(Greenpeace)

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