2017-10-11 | 作者:By ArundhatiPandey – World Economic Forum

What India can teach the world about sustainability.

As the need for sustainable lifestyles becomes more and more urgent, ArundhatiPandey outlines that lessons can be learned from the Indian experience. Occupying the top spot in the “Greendex” index, which measures how consumers respond to environmental concerns, India has also shown leadership in the fight against climate change – for example, presenting in July 2017 the Voluntary National Review Report on Implementation of SDGs.

This could be explained in part by the fact that “sustainability has always been a core component of Indian culture. Its philosophy and values have underscored a sustainable way of life”, as ArundhatiPandey states. Examples of such culture of sustainability include the yogic principle of aparighara, according to which one should not be attached to materialistic possessions and exclusively keep what is needed to respond to needs; and which establishes a harmonious relationship between humans and nature. This has led to positive wildlife protection initiatives. Other elements include the culture of hoarding, thriftiness, and a general aversion for waste. These instances remind us of the importance of sharing good lessons as a global village, from science as well as ancient wisdom.


Picture: Nick Kenrick

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