活動時間: 2022-03-08 ~ 2022-03-11

【經濟學人論壇】2022 亞洲科技變革週 - Technology for Change Week Asia



過去從未像今天這個時代,如此迫切需要提高科技和金融包容性,並促進繁榮。2022年經濟學人「亞洲科技變革週」(Technology for Change Week Asia)系列論壇將聚焦性別平等普惠金融Digital Financial Inclusion)、教育糧食營養等核心議題。首日先探討ESG 的社會面(S)和治理面(G)議題,另外,性別平等經濟包容性通訊鴻溝糧食教育數位科技可及性與強度也將會是論壇內容。

大型公司、科技巨擘、金融及非政府組織的政策制定者、企業家及管理階層人員更將齊聚一堂,探討covid-19 是如何促成變革的?同時研究如何將技術和數據驅動的解決方案應用於長期存在的社會挑戰。他們還將關注最貼近亞洲50億人口之通訊基礎建設普惠金融(Financial Inclusion教育營養安全等相關議題。

There has never been a more urgent need to raise digital and financial inclusion and promote prosperity. To nurture economic growth, the fulfilment of basic social needs such as education, food security and banking is an essential foundation. Technology may be the most important connective tissue that links the financial world’s power and influence to the inclusive aspirations of the SDGs. How do we move from hype to help?

Join us this coming March on International Women’s Day as we focus on the social and governance aspects of ESG to build much-needed momentum around gender equality, economic inclusivity, connectivity gaps, and access to food, education and digital technology. If necessity is the mother of invention, how has covid-19 catalysed change? The second Technology For Change Week Asia will gather leading policymakers, entrepreneurs and managers in major corporations, big tech, finance and NGOs. Together, they will examine how technology-based and data-driven solutions can be applied to long-standing social challenges. They will also focus on issues that resonate strongly across the more than five billion people in Asia: connectivity infrastructure, financial inclusion, education and nutritional security.



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